April 2012

Archive for April, 2012


Albert Einstein was more than a great mathematician/physicist, he was also a great philosopher.  I often overlook the philosopher, and then it happens.  A quote like the one below brings me up short, reins me in from the daily grind, and gives me pause to reflect.  How is the gift operating for me and the social milieu in which I swim.  I invite you to pause and meditate on the words so profoundly woven together.

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.  We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

Albert Einstein

Talk to Melannie on Internet Radio!

Melannie Thomas will be a guest speaker on the “Everything Psychic” internet radio show with hostess, Helene Frisch, a professional psychic in Atlanta, GA. Listen to the show, and feel free to CALL Melannie and ask your burning questions!

When: Saturday, April 28th at 5:00 pm PST
Where: www.freedomslips.com
Call In Phone Number: 347-688-2902

How:  Go to www.freedomslips.com and press one of the ‘PLAY’ buttons as shown below. (See arrows below):

Listen to Melannie on Everything Psychic


See you there!


As I contemplate what I will plant in the garden this spring, I am thinking about seeds, specifically Hericot Verts (delicious little green beans).   Seed as a noun basically means, capable of reproducing.  The majestic awe of seeds is:  we can plant them, nourish them, tend them, harvest them (and their product), and save them for next season; but the  real sprouting, the creation of life, is beyond our province.

As I thought more about heirloom seeds, I just happened across the work of Dr. Vandana Shiva and her fight against Monsanto and the GMO movement.  Her message is powerful and compelling!  It gave me a deeper insight into the debate on bio-diversity and it’s importance to our very survival.

This information coupled with recently reading an article in Spirituality & Health magazine profiling the astounding changes genetic engineering has made in wheat  has me looking seriously at this issue.  In his book, Wheat Belly , William Davis M. D.  outlines his concerns about the rise of gluten intolerance, glycemic rebounding, weight problems and the effects on overall health from modified wheat.

So, I have resolved to plant heirlooms and save seeds for planting next year (which in some parts of the world is a crime).  I have done it before, but I have been lazy about my vegetable gardening and now it is time to return to sustainable practices.

Entering Spring, it is my hope that I have given you some seeds for thought.



“Our lives improve only when we take chances, and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves.”
Walter Anderson


Like many words used capture and express our feelings, ‘happiness’ means many things to many people. In general, it is considered a state of well-being. The following are some of my favorite poetic expressions of happiness. I invite you to ponder, to meditate upon them.

“Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling.” Margaret Lee Runbeck

“Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” Abraham Lincoln

Dream Workshop

Dreams are a language of symbols and images. You can harness the power of your Dream World. In this workshop you will be given tools for identifying and exploring your unique dream language.


Saturday, April 14th, 2012
11:00 am – 4:00 pm


For further information, or to register, please see the class listing.

Wednesday Night Dream Group

The Wednesday Night Dream Group is starting SOON!

Let’s talk about our dreams and learn how they can inform our waking state. Bring in your Dream Journal and see what’s revealed.

Begins Wednesday, April 11th, 2012, and will continue to meet on the second Wednesday of each month.

For more information, please see the complete listing here on the Classes & Events page.  I look forward to seeing you there.


As the Spring Holy Season gets well underway, I look for moments that connect me to the numinous; to the stunning beauty that surrounds me as the earth awakens to springs’ green pallet.

One such lovely moment came to me in this simple but profound piece by Douglas Jerrold, “A man never so beautifully shows his own strength as when he respects another’s weakness.”

Sending the peace, beauty and glory of the Season to you and all yours!

