February 2017

Archive for February, 2017

Page of Cups

Cups represent the water element, our emotions and spirituality.  Pages are youthful; they are the beginning of the ‘court card’ journey.

The Page of Cups reflects initial movement toward emotional and spiritual maturity, which often leads to feeling like a fish out of water as symbolized in many depictions of this card.

Working with Page of Cups energy is trans-formative.  Often indicative of renewal, increased intuitive awareness, courage to face and work through complex emotional quagmires; inviting us toward a deeper connection and greater trust in divine spiritual guidance.

This is never easy work; it is a process not an event.  However the gifts and fruits of a commitment to emotional and spiritual maturation are abundant.

As the fullness of the authentic self emerges we achieve mastery of our emotional being; able to respond from within rather than re-act to outer stimuli.  Embracing our vulnerabilities, weakness and strengths in a balanced way. Living in the present moment as opposed to swinging like a monkey between the forests of past and future.

To travel the path of the Page of Cups is demanding and often painful, but is a trip well worth making.



Page of Pentacles

The Page of Pentacles reflects the energies of work these past couple of weeks.  Like a theme weaving itself through life’s tapestry.

Pentacles are the earth element… grounding, and represent wealth, abundance and riches.  It is important to keep in mind that the smaller portion of riches and abundance is material.  The greatest wealth is measured by the intangibles… health, happiness, love and joy with life.

I want to share this passage from the Spiritual Tarot  (Echols, Mueller & Thomson Quill NY 1996).

“I intend to stay busy learning new ideas and skills, and I hope I inspire you to do likewise.  Even if our ideas don’t work exactly as we think they should, we still can learn from trying.”  Life is an education.  Through study, observation, and experimentation, we develop our potential.

“Take time to discover your real dreams and desires before you make long-term commitments, I say.  In career matters, it is important to define your goals and plan how to accomplish them.

“On the other hand, sometimes it serves us to set aside carefully made plans and concentrate our energies on meeting new challenges that arise serendipitously.  It takes both kinds of experience to achieve success, appreciate its joys, and develop the confidence to move on to greater things.

“So stop saying, ‘Someday I will do that,’ and start figuring out just how to do it.  I want to inspire you to take the initiative.  Consider yourself in the right place at the right time.  I do.

“My key phrase is developing creative power.”


Several comments this week have expressed low energy and sadness; a sense of being tired and weary.

Tired of the rain, tired of flooding and cold, weary of the daily political strife, fighting  seasonal illnesses, with some folks expressing feelings of foreboding.

It is these very moments that our spiritual strength is tested; it is these very moments that create strong faith.

We are fortunate to have a truly vast resource of inspirational wisdom to tap into when we are weary.  I share with you the following:

“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”  ~Francis of Assisi

“Try to be  a rainbow in some one’s cloud.”  ~Maya Angelou

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”  ~John F. Kennedy

I invite you this week to find the spiritual inspiration that reduces weariness and strengthens faith.


We are getting a lot of it in my neck of the woods.  After six years of drought,  experiencing  ‘normal’ winter rains is challenging.

Good news for California…the snow pack is substantial.  The rain has restored lakes and reservoirs to capacity.  Bad news is underground aquifers are not reaching optimum levels.  Additionally, the quality of water is troublesome, not just here but throughout our country.  Flint, Michigan is a good example, and it is not an isolated event.

“Water is life, and clean water means health.”  ~Audrey Hepburn

Rivers of the Earth, both great and small are akin to the blood system in the human body.  When they are polluted, we are sick.

“I can’t imagine anything more important than air, water, soil, energy and biodiversity.  These are things that keep us alive.”

~David Suzuki

In America, and most of the Western world, we live in water luxury.  Turn on the tap, and there it is…easily accessible water.   We drink it (maybe), we bathe, wash everything, cook with it, and water our plants and gardens.  So easily taken for granted, and so easy to ignore the threat of poor water quality.

“Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans.”  ~Jacques Yves Cousteau

Water is a sacred commodity.  (See Blog Post of February 3, 2014). It is a symbol of the Divine Spirit.  The Planet needs our help to keep functioning healthily, caring for our air and water is an essential requirement for our survival.

