October 2010

Archive for October 3rd, 2010

Money Fear

“When you don’t know where the money will come from to pay your bills, or you are afraid to take the steps you are being shown from within that will help you change your current situation, you may be dealing with fear.  Fear can be an easier feeling to change than you think.  All it takes to release it is your willingness and intent to do so.  One way to release your fears is by identifying specifically what you are afraid of. ”  Getting Money, Keys to Abundance, Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer.

I use this technique whenever feelings of fear arise around my issues and my experiences, and money fear is certainly near the top of the list.   I begin the process by asking myself,  ‘What is the worst thing that can happen?’  As I follow the answers, I get to the biggest fear.  Then I release it, I send all of my fears to the Divine Throne of Love.  I consciously choose feelings of faith over feelings of fear.  I am now free and clear to create a plan; to do whatever work is necessary to move forward. 

Interestingly my worst money fears have rarely manifested, and even then, I recognized that I was exercising a great deal of choice, consequently the circumstances were not only bearable but very temporary.  Life is full of cycles and seasons, plenty and scarcity follow each other throughout the dance.  It is good to keep in mind, that whatever your situation or circumstance that this too shall pass.

