December 2015

Archive for December, 2015

Resolution 2016

45% of Americans make will make New Year Resolutions.  Losing weight is number one…no surprises there.  47% of resolutions will be about self-improvement, and 46% of us will be maintaining our resolutions beyond six months according to the Statistic Brain Research Institute.  Pretty impressive!

Resolving is an act or process of finding an answer, a solution for a challenge we face…a behavior we want to change or modify.  Resolution is also firmness and determination; consistent actions required to achieve the desired outcome.

On the prioritized list of resolutions provided by the University of Scranton’s Journal of Clinical Psychology, enjoying life to the fullest is number five; learning something new is number seven; helping others is number eight; and lastly, spending time with family is number ten.

For me, the number one resolution will be ‘to enjoy life to the fullest’.  This means better boundaries everywhere.  It means finding the balance between ‘helping others’ and being faithful to my own well-being.  It means finding peace, especially peace within.

I invite you to reflect and commit to a New Year Resolution that best suits the current of your life.

Wishing you all an awesome New Year!!



Christmas 2015

Today is Winter Solstice and Friday is Christmas with a full moon in Capricorn.  This is a perfect time to reflect and give thanks. Wishing you all a very Blessed Holy Season!



Preparation El Nino

Gratitude for the rain was last week’s post.  Now it is time to check your preparations for what is coming.  This could be a record-setting year for mudslides and flooding in California.

Last week’s devastating  floods in Oregon and Washington, and last year’s inundation of Texas are foreboding indications of what is a very probable scenario for us this year.

This is my personal preparation list.  Potable water, snacks and out of the can food, paper plates, disposable cups and utensils, flashlights with new batteries, LED lanterns with new batteries, first aid supplies, up-to-date medications, warm clothing, a good umbrella and adequate rain gear,  accommodation for pets, a portable radio, car maintained, with flares, water and a blanket in the trunk, gas tank always half full, working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, table games and reading material.  Check your roof and windows, gutters and drains.  Secure outdoor furniture and potted plants.

Power outages and flooding are disruptions of our normal routines.  Lastly, keep with you throughout this winter a very generous amount of patience.

For more information on flood emergency preparedness, see the following resources:

The Red Cross


The Department of Homeland Security



WE HAVE IT!  We have a long way to go to the end of the drought, but the storm door appears to be opening.

If the El Nino predictions hold, we could be in for some challenging winter weather.  But for the moment, be thankful that the rain is here.

I love this quote from Langston Hughes.  It is the essence of my experience with the recent rains:

“Let the rain kiss you.  Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops.  Let the rain sing you a lullaby.”




