I am a ‘hugger’. Hugs are healthy. Hugs do many positive things for our body, mind and spirit.
Most hugs last about three seconds. A prolonged hug, a twenty second hug, boost levels of oxytocin (the love hormone) and serotonin (the mood stabilizing hormone), according to researchers at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.
Nick Ortner’s children’s book, The Big Book of Hugs: A Barkley the Bear Story, helps children and parents understand the power and benefits of hugging.
Humans long for touch; and for good reason. Hugs reduce stress and feelings of isolation, loneliness and anger. Prolonged hugs help us relax and they are healing and comforting; connecting us to each other at deeper levels.
I invite you this week to hug frequently. Try out the twenty second hug. Enjoy the benefits of touching.