April 2018

Archive for April, 2018


“We are driven by five genetic needs: survival, love and belonging, power, freedom and fun.”  ~William Glasser

My introduction to Dr. Glasser was through his book, Positive Addiction.  I sporadically followed his work, especially in the area of applied ‘choice theory’.  I very much like that he considers ‘fun’ a genetic need.

“Are we having fun yet?”  My Mother’s favorite comment when an outing or other similar fun event wasn’t going too well.  For a long time I mildly resented her comment until I reached a level of maturity that allowed me to enjoy her humorous aside.

I love having fun!  “Fun is good,” says Dr. Seuss.  Fun is not only good, it is a genetic need.  It is as essential for positive living, relieving stress and staying grounded, balanced and healthy, as is prayer and meditation.  Never underestimate the importance of having fun.

“Fun is one of the most important – and underrated – ingredients in any successful venture.  If you’re not having fun, then it’s probably time to call it quits and try something else.”  ~Richard Branson

“If you go around being afraid, you’re never going to enjoy life.  You have only one chance so you’ve got to have fun.”  ~Lindsay Vaughn

I invite you into this week to have a lot of fun!


Worldwide celebrations of Earth Day took place Sunday April 22,  reminding us of  the importance of preserving wilderness and honoring nature.

“Wilderness is harder and harder to find these days on this beautiful planet, and we’re abusing our planet to the point of almost no return.”  ~Betty White

Studies conclude that living in areas where we can see trees and watch birds can have a positive effect on our mental health. (https://phys.org)  This growing body of evidence is showing what many of us already know…that experiencing natural environments can reduce stress levels, anxiety and depression.

“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul,”  ~John Muir

“There are moments when all anxiety and stated toil are becalmed in the infinite leisure and repose of nature.”  ~Henry David Thoreau

Immersing myself in nature is healing and grounding.  Mind-emptying meditation allows me to merge with the natural landscape.  It is a wordless, thoughtless place that brings great refreshment to my spirit.

“There is pleasure in the pathless woods, there is rapture in the lonely shore, there is society where none intrudes, by the deep sea, and music in it’s roar; I love not Man less, but Nature more.”  ~Lord Byron

As Spring blossoms into it’s fullness, it is a perfect moment to savor the gifts of nature.

Techno Dysfunction

“The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don’t really even notice it, so it’s part of everyday life”  ~Bill Gates

I have been without phone, internet and wi-fi for eight days, having only the ability to text and make calls on my cell. (Thankfully!) There is a problem where I live with old delivery lines, and the situation has been going on for over a year.  It has been tough.  It has been frustrating.  It has been very stressful!

With the gracious help of my webmaster, I have been able to keep a semblance of my business going.  Without her efforts on my behalf, I’m not sure how big a ‘hit’ I would take.

I regularly subscribe to Gretchen Rubin’s quote: “Turn off your email; turn off your phone; disconnect from the internet; figure out a way to set limits so you can concentrate when you need to; and disengage when you need to.  Technology is a good servant but a bad master.”

When I do all those things at the same time, it is a peaceful, renewing and rewarding experience.  It helps slow me down and strengthens my connection with the natural world.

“Technology has forever changed the world we live in.  We’re online, in one way or another, all day long.  Our phones and computers have become reflections of our personalities, our interests, our identities.  They hold much that is important to us.”  ~James Comey

Gates and Comey are right.  Technology fits easily into everyday life, and it does hold a great deal that is very important to us.  I am discovering that it is quite a different experience to choose to disconnect versus being disconnected when I don’t want to be.

Sadly, the fix for my problem is most likely temporary, like the fixes of the past year or more, and I will be disconnected again not by choice.

“It is only when they go wrong that machines remind you how powerful they are.” ~Clive James


As defined by Merriam-Webster:

.. unreserved, honest, or sincere expression:  FORTHRIGHTNESS

.. freedom from prejudice or malice:  FAIRNESS

Candor, related to the adjective candid, refers to straightforward honesty or frankness in speech or expression. The fact that it is frequently preceded by the adjective refreshing suggests that it is often unexpected, a shift from guarded or euphemistic language.” ~ Editors, Merriam-Webster

“All faults may be forgiven of him who has perfect candor.”  ~Walt Whitman

“I have ventured to write more intimately about my personal life than is customary for a member of the Supreme Court, and with that candor comes a measure of vulnerability.”  ~Sonia Sotomayor

“All leaders, male or female, innately possess feminine qualities like empathy, candor and vulnerability – the difference lies in which leaders choose to suppress those qualities, and which choose to leverage them as strengths.”  ~John Gerzema


