July 2019

Archive for July, 2019


…a temporary pause or absence; a break from routine.

My first blog-post, Intuition, was published in February 2010.  I have been publishing weekly since then.  The time for my six week hiatus has come.  I will resume posting on September 16, 2019.

During my hiatus, I invite you to visit the archives, which are listed by month and year, not title.  Exercise your intuition!  And if you are inclined, share your experience with me, send an email to melannie@melannie-insights.com.

Looking forward to being back with you in September!


The Book of Awakening

A client gifted me with this wonderful book.  It is written by Mark Nepo, poet and philosopher.  Author of several books, he has been teaching in the fields of poetry and spirituality for more than 40 years.

The Book of Awakening is subtitled, Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have.  It is arranged as a daybook.  The author says, ‘In truth, over the last twenty-five years, the daybook has been answering a collective need and has become a spiritual sonnet of our age, a sturdy container for small doses of what matters.’

Each of the 365 pages begins with a topic/title like Sabbath Time, The Hearts Blossom, Outlasting the Fog, Against Our Will, One Drop of Truth at a Time, and Giving Up What No Longer Works.

Next is a quote by various authors, including Nepo, expressive of the topic.  For example the quote for Giving Up What No Longer Works is:

‘Burning your way to center

is the loneliest fire of all.

You’ll know you have arrived

when nothing else burns.’

A brief text follows, concluding with meditation instruction allowing us to digest…”small doses of what matters.”

I am so blessed and grateful for this gift, an amazing introduction to Mark Nepo and his work.

I invite you to check it out,  it is well worth the effort!



‘…limiting laws, rules or circumstances, boundaries, caps, confines and controls.’

All life forms and processes have limitations.  There are the fundamental limitations of natural physics; the law of gravity, for example.  And there are the imagined limitations of the psyche; like fear of success or fear of failure.

There are outstanding and inspirational examples of people who have challenged their limitations:  Helen Keller, Stephen Hawking and Temple Grandin are some that come immediately to mind.  Their stories are well known to most of us.

Then there are everyday people like Rob Mendez, a successful high school football coach who received the Jimmy V award at the ESPY’s last week.  Born without arms or legs he said as part of his acceptance speech…”I am here and if there’s any message I want to give you guys tonight, it is look at me…when you dedicate yourself to something…and focus on what you can do instead of what you can’t do, you can really go places in this world.”

All the people mentioned above still had limitations that required, indeed, demanded that they live within their physical boundaries.  What they all have in common is a strong belief that they could live a full, satisfying, rich and abundant life in spite of those limitations.

“We all have things that limit us and that challenge us.  But really, our real limitations are the ones we believe.”  ~Amy Purdy

We all have our personal limitations and challenges.  This week I invite you to inventory your limitations, separating out those that are fundamentally implacable from those that are intellectual and/or emotional fabrications.

“The human body has limitations.  The human spirit is boundless.”  ~Dean Karmazes



Swamped is where I am at the moment, flooded by demands on several fronts.  My ship is not sinking and I am attending to making sure it does not.  Just finished having my house painted.  Busy putting things back in order; and preparing for a big family gathering as well as pondering the imponderability of daily living.

As I prioritize my time and activities, today’s blog post becomes what you are reading.  We all have these moments.  It is so important to manage our energetic output so that we stay healthy.


