April 2024

Archive for the ‘Health & Healing’ Category


The Fourth of July, like Passover, is a very moving Holiday for me.  I love hearing our National Anthem and “America the Beautiful.”   Old Glory waves  at me from every corner.  I ooh and aah like a 5 year old, as the night sky flashes and sparkles with shiny glitter that twinkles and winks at me.

I think of the men and women, and their families, who have given so much to preserve my independence.  I am grateful.

I found a quote about Independence that I really resonated with, and I want to share this gift with you.

“Independence is a heavy draught, and if you drink it in your youth, it can have the same effect on the brain as young wine does.  It does not matter that its taste is not always appealing.  It is addictive and with each drink you want more.”   ~Maya Angelou

Inviting you to let the energy of Independence Day linger in your consciousness like the last burst of fireworks fading from the night sky.


Highly Sensitive Person

I am one.  So are many of you.  According to Jane Ganal, ‘Heightened Sensitivity: Help For The Overstimulated’, (Spirituality & Health, July/August 2015),  we make up about 20% of the population.

In her book, The Highly Sensitive Person, Elaine Aron PhD. describes the characteristics we all share.

  • We feel things more deeply.
  • We are emotionally reactive and brimming over with empathy for the plight of our fellow humans.
  • We take longer and we struggle to make decisions.
  • We are detail oriented to the extreme; we notice subtleties, and tend toward perfectionism.
  • We are more prone to depression and anxiety.
  • We are not all introverts.
  • We are sensitive to violence, loudness, and criticism.
  • We are better mannered than most.

We often feel out of step with our families, our friends, our culture and our times.  But a wonderful gift that comes with the ‘curse’ is that we are also very creative.

Keys to learning how to manage being an HSP:

  • Get your creativity in full gear.
  • Turn off the news.  Don’t watch movies, dramas, etc. that evoke your empathic nature.
  • Learn how not to absorb and hang onto the negative energies of others, be it anger, depression or excessive drama.
  • Connect with your fellow HSP’s.
  • Find and seize alone time!  It is critical for HSP’s to find activities, space and quiet that help them to retreat, re-charge, and feed their souls.  We cannot give to ourselves or others from an empty tank (heart).

Learn to control the inner critic that tells you that you are too sensitive, too inadequate, and not perfect. Centering into the truth of who you are is a path to inner peace.

Summer Solstice 2015

The Sun moved into the second season of cycles yesterday at 9:38 am.  I am always heartened by the reliable continuity of shifting cycles and seasons.

They offer us time to pause, to relax, to reflect, to rejoice and to celebrate the Cosmic Harmonic; the poignant and powerful symphony of soul-self and spirit consciousness.

This week, I invite you to take advantage of this gracious gift of the heavens.  Snatch a sacred moment from the tumultuous din that is our daily grind.  Refresh and renew yourself in the light of the Sun



“The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each others’ life.”

~Richard Bach


“When you look in the mirror, what do you see?  Do you see the real you, or what you have been conditioned to believe is you?  The two are so, so different.  One is an infinite consciousness capable of being and creating whatever it chooses, the other is an illusion imprisoned by its own perceived and programmed limitations.”

~David Icke



“We have reached a new milestone as a human family.  With seven billion of us now inhabiting our planet, it is time to ask some fundamental questions.  How can we provide a dignified life for ourselves and future generations while preserving and protecting the global commons — the atmosphere, the oceans and the eco-systems that support us?”

~United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon


Memorial Day 2015

“True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic.  It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.”

~Arthur Ashe


“Whoever undertakes to set himself up as judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods.”

~Albert Einstein


“I have learned the hard way to mind my business, without judging who people are and what they do.  I am more troubled by the lack of space being provided for the truth to unfold.  Humans cannot seem to wait for or honor the truth.  Instead, we make it up based on who we believe people should or should not be.”

~Iyanla Vanzant

Moving On

“What you possess in the world will be found at the day of your death to belong to someone else.  But what you are will be yours forever.”

~Henry Van Dyke

