An Inconvenient Truth
No, this isn’t about global warming unless a body fever and the spewing of noxious gases and toxic substances into the environment could be considered contributing factors. I am recovering from the flu; it has been over a week. The’ inconvenient truth’ is that my daily routine has been brought to a standstill as my body wages war on the invading virus.
Now that I have passed through the 48 hours of pure hell (although punctuated interestingly by amazing, vividly colored dreams that were entertaining) my recovery is slow, demanding and tortuously inconvenient. I am doing my utmost to honor my body; to not start pushing it around because I am impatient to be back on my feet at full speed. I am very careful about what I am putting into it, not too hard since what is not accepted is quickly and unpleasantly eliminated. Move around too much or too fast and I break out into an uncomfortable, febrile sweat.
Hey, I have many responsibilities; I have clients to see and blogs to write; baking to do; correspondence to catch up on; people to care for; classes to teach…so can I just pass up the inconvenience of recovery at get back in action stat?
It is for me a great challenge to honor the body, to let it rest, to be kind, gentle and nurturing. But I am learning. It is a good lesson; profound in it’s ‘inconvenient truth’. For the day will come when I don’t bounce back. That time when I come to the end of the trail. Although I will be leaving my body behind, if I can master my impatience and allow the process, I know that transition will be so much easier.