Archive for June 18th, 2012
Many years ago I chose Insights as the business name for my work. In the past 5 years or so, I see more and more businesses using the word insight(s). As defined insight is, ” the power, act, or result of seeing into a situation: UNDERSTANDING….”
As is common to we humans, I move along not giving much conscious thought to the power and intention of naming beyond the initial act. Like really comfortable shoes, I slip into them daily without thinking about how well they fit. Then I read the following in Gabor Mate’s book, When the Body Says No, Exploring the Stress-Disease Connection, “…knowledge and insight have the power to transform….”
Just a few hours later I listened to a voice-mail from a client that I had not heard from for some time. Among the many beautiful and insightful things she said was this, “…you give really, really good advice…and I am now advising myself.” I smiled. A smile of contentment in the work well done by both of us.
I am extremely fortunate in that I get a lot of feedback from my clients which constantly validates and supports my work; my insight. These two proximate events brought me a warm reflection and I am thankful to my Creator daily for these precious gifts.
I invite you this week to bring insight into your life.