June 2014

Archive for June, 2014


“The sun rises and sets by My power, but it is a silent operation.  It pours forth its heat at midday, silently yet with what great power.  The fog drifts in from the ocean, silently on wings of silver; the tide rises and falls, but at the bottom of the ocean where their power is generated, there is a great quietness.  The seed lies in the ground and comes forth as a mighty tree, and the whole operation of the bringing forth is a silent one….”   Silence so exquisitely described by Eva Bell Werber in The Journey With The Master; Into A Higher Consciousness (DeVorss & Co, Los Angeles, 1950).

As I sit pondering her powerful words, I wonder how many experience silence  in this simple way, especially given the constant din that accompanies daily living.

Werber continues, “Keep poised and quiet.  Much speaking and much running about does not gain for you Power.  Only by becoming still may you know Me, the Indweller of your Soul.”

What a great gift,  to just sit in silence; to be fully in the moment.  This week I invite you to create a few moments of silence for yourself; tap into its power and  feed your Soul.


Delighting in contributing to the well-being and happiness of others is the very definition of kindness; expressing the goodwill and benevolence that is such a beautiful part of our spiritual essence.

In the early 1980’s, in a Sausalito, CA restaurant, Anne Herbet wrote on a placemat, “Practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty.” (In 1993 she also authored a children’s book by that name.)  There is a Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, www.randomactsofkindness.org  and Random Act World Kindness Day is November 13, 2014, followed by Random Acts of Kindness Week (RAK), celebrated February 9-15, 2015.

According to research at UCLA and The University of Cambridge, when we see others helping others, it makes us feel good; inspiring us to be altruistic.  In other words, kindness is contagious!

In Judaism the mitzvah is a good deed, an act of kindness that reflects the teaching that the world is built on kindness.

I invite you to celebrate that beautiful part of your spiritual self by giving and receiving Random Acts of Kindness.

Solstice 2014

Whew! The Cosmos is vibrating.  A full moon last Friday the 13th (a rare event that does not happen again until 2049); Mercury retrograde (for an excellent analysis go to www.starwatcher.com);  massive sun-spot activity; and Saturday, June 21, marks the Summer Solstice.

The Ancients paid attention to heavenly signs, noting changes in the  Moon and the Stars, as these shifts influenced agriculture, politics, and  religious/spiritual well-being.

I invite you to take a moment on Saturday, to breathe, to ground and center yourself; to acknowledge the power and beauty of the natural world.




I have never attended a Grade school or a Jr. High Promotion Ceremony.  Last Friday I went to both.   I admit to thinking it all a bit overboard.  In my experience such ‘Rites of Passage’ began with High School, no sooner.

Family and friends gathered together in the school assembly hall  to witness the 5th Grade Promotion, no caps, gowns or Pomp & Circumstance.  Speeches were given by the Principal and 5th Grade Teachers.  The students,  barely containing their nervousness,  moved flawlessly through the morning event, including singing to their audience of ardent admirers.

Balloon bouquets, leis,  flowers and cards showered the students when the ceremony was over, and cameras got a work out.

That evening on the field at the High School we gathered again to watch the 8th Grade Promotion.  An atmosphere charged with excitement; a much larger crowd.  Gowns, but no caps, Pomp & Circumstance, Pledge of Allegiance,  speeches by Principals and Students, and a stunning student musical performance, followed the well-rehearsed program to a tee.

Grand applause, raucous hooting, hollering, ringing of cow bells and the occasional blasting of air horns accompanied the presentation of each Promotion certificate.  Then the gifting of more balloon bouquets, flowers, leis and cards was followed by hundreds of Kodak moments.

I was very impressed; by the students, the teachers, the families and the events themselves.  My experience has given me a new attitude about Graduation.  I am eagerly looking forward to next year’s 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony.





I am making a left turn on a green light.  He appears suddenly in the middle of the road; going the wrong way and against a red light.  There is no way to avoid colliding.  He is on a bicycle.

I hear the heavy thud bounce down the passenger side of my car.  I stop, put my car in park, turn on the flashers (it is a really busy road), and jump out of my car.  Profound dread is filling my being; I expect he is dead.

He is upright, straddling his bicycle.  He greets me with, “Oh Maam, I am so sorry, I am so sorry.”  I start crying.   I am working to control my breathing; control my out-of-control adrenalin response.  I am stunned.  I am in shock.  I keep saying, “Are you OK?,  Are you OK?”  He says he has a little cut on his hand.  He keeps apologizing.

Passersby are asking me if I am OK.  Asking me if I need help.  Many witnessed the collision.  I just keep crying.

Then anger.  I scold the young man.  “What are you thinking?”  “You could get killed!”  He shouts at me, “…yes I could as fast as you were driving.”  He rides off.

I get in my car and continue on my way to the grocery store.  I am in a weird daze.  I can’t stop crying.  I manage to compose myself, and in some sort of adrenalin stupor get my weekly shopping done.

The stupor continues long past the drive home.  Finally, the groceries are unloaded and put away.  I am still weeping, but softly now.  I pour a glass of wine and  seek the comfort of my favorite chair.

My mornings begin with a prayer, “Guide me, lead me, direct me and protect me.”  My evening prayer is, “Thank you, for guiding me, leading me, directing me, and protecting me.”

That night, safe at home, I was overwhelmed by the  protection that extended beyond myself and blessed that young man.


