February 2017

Page of Pentacles

The Page of Pentacles reflects the energies of work these past couple of weeks.  Like a theme weaving itself through life’s tapestry.

Pentacles are the earth element… grounding, and represent wealth, abundance and riches.  It is important to keep in mind that the smaller portion of riches and abundance is material.  The greatest wealth is measured by the intangibles… health, happiness, love and joy with life.

I want to share this passage from the Spiritual Tarot  (Echols, Mueller & Thomson Quill NY 1996).

“I intend to stay busy learning new ideas and skills, and I hope I inspire you to do likewise.  Even if our ideas don’t work exactly as we think they should, we still can learn from trying.”  Life is an education.  Through study, observation, and experimentation, we develop our potential.

“Take time to discover your real dreams and desires before you make long-term commitments, I say.  In career matters, it is important to define your goals and plan how to accomplish them.

“On the other hand, sometimes it serves us to set aside carefully made plans and concentrate our energies on meeting new challenges that arise serendipitously.  It takes both kinds of experience to achieve success, appreciate its joys, and develop the confidence to move on to greater things.

“So stop saying, ‘Someday I will do that,’ and start figuring out just how to do it.  I want to inspire you to take the initiative.  Consider yourself in the right place at the right time.  I do.

“My key phrase is developing creative power.”

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