April 2019

Archive for April 28th, 2019


Each week I go on a hunt for a word for this blog.  After several years, it has become more challenging and more interesting.

This week’s word, privilege, opened up a broad vista of variation and intensity.  Privilege is an advantage, a special right or an immunity bestowed upon certain people, groups of people or corporations.  It is also something seen as a rare opportunity which brings a particular pleasure.

Examples of different kinds of privilege are: racial, social status, wealth, gender, attractiveness, thinness, age, intellectual, sexual, physical ability, religious and political.

The NCCJ (National Conference for Community and Justice, nccj.org), defines privilege as, “Unearned access to resources (social power) that are only readily available to some people because of their social group membership; an advantage, or immunity granted to or enjoyed by one societal group above and beyond the common advantage of all other groups.  Privilege is often invisible to those who have it.”

“Human rights are not a privilege granted by the few, they are a liberty entitled to all, and human rights, by definition, include the rights of all humans, those in the dawn of life, the dusk of life, or the shadows of life.”  ~Kay Granger

As I plunged deeper into various aspects of privilege, I discovered The Happy Philosopher and his astute blog, The Messy Truth About Privilege, Nov.21, 2017.  It is a compelling read.  To fully appreciate his quote, “Remember, there is almost nothing that is black and white in this world, only beautiful colors and endless shades of gray.  Savor the nuance.”, one must read his blog.

I found these two quotes which stood out because of their likeness to one another.

“The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.”  ~Joseph Campbell

“I truly believe that the privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.”  ~Viola Davis

Both Campbell and Davis were and are very accomplished and respected in their chosen careers.

I love the spontaneous repetition and resonant energy of these quotes.  Like beacons on the journey to the authentic self, they remind me of the gracious privilege that is my path, ‘a rare opportunity which brings a particular pleasure.’


