Archive for June 7th, 2020
Virus [L. venom, poisonous emanation].
Viruses come in three forms: 1. a large group of submicroscopic infectious agents that can only grow and multiply in living cells, e.g. covid-19. 2. a corrupting influence that poisons the mind and the spirit, e.g. debasement of ethics and morals. 3. an agent hidden in a computer program that reproduces, inserting itself into it’s host, then maliciously spreading into other programs to destroy data, e.g. malware.
Humanity diligently pursues defenses against malware and submicroscopic organisms, whilst relegating defense against ethical and moral perversions to religion and politics, thereby externalizing an internal process.
All viruses are predominately unseen; not receiving main stream attention until they create a massive disruption in the social fabric. Two of these viruses are doing just that at this very moment.
Woefully, humanity is unprepared, impotent, paralyzed by fear, seduced by arrogance, and reeling with disbelief, sadness and uncertainty.
Practicing patience, compassion, and authentic self-reflection are the strategies, the behaviors, that guide humanity through turmoil. It has been done before.
“If peace comes from seeing the whole
then misery stems from a loss of perspective.”
~Mark Nepo
Carl Jung said, “The greatest and most important problems of life are all fundamentally insoluble. They can never be solved but only outgrown.”
This week I invite you into further exploration of your authentic self…the royal road to maturity.