July 2020

Archive for July, 2020

Are You Intuitive?

Yes you are! Everyone is intuitive. In our culture most people don’t believe they are intuitive, and many people believe that intuition simply does not exist.

For proof, simply look at your own life experience. “I knew it was you!” is a common response to a phone call from family or friend. Intuition is like any other sense. And like the sense of taste, for example, it can be cultivated, trained and made a useful part of daily living.

Allow me to share a simple example from one of my clients (with her permission, of course.) It was time to buy new frying pans. She scoured the internet for weeks, studying all of the frying pan articles she could find, then reading nearly all of the customer reviews. She does enjoy doing the research! Finally she zeroed in on one brand, one model, and one general price, available from many different stores. Several times she was seconds away from pressing the Buy Button, but just could not bring herself to do it. Key point – she was paying attention to her own inner process and chose not to press the button. Days later, she happened to notice that one of the local stores was open for pick-up and she received a strong impulse to go, despite having other plans that afternoon. Again – paying attention. Once in the store, with the pans in front of her, she knew that the model she’d chosen online was not quite right. Instead, the perfect ones for her were on display nearby, AND on sale! Inner guidance is available to us if we quietly listen.

Take a few moments each day to observe your ‘intuitive’ experiences. Note ‘the way’ you receive the information, your particular style, and, learn to ‘trust’ the process. You will soon be on your way to understanding and using your extra sense.


Mindfulness is focusing on the present moment, on the now.  It means bringing conscious mind, day-dreaming mind, the deeper mind…the whole self, including it’s shadow aspects, fully into the moment.

Nothing, no thing we do is unimportant.  From the simple act of tying a shoe to the more complex actions and decisions that living demands, all are important.

As with meditation, breathing is essential…mindful breathing.  Focus on each breath.  Bring the full attention of your whole self to the rhythm of your breathing.  You will experience distraction, and when you do, bring the fullness of your attention back the passage of your breath.  As you practice, focusing will become easier.  The mind begins to clear, anxiety eases, a sense of peace and well-being grows steadily.  You can achieve a deeper harmony with the Divine.  Life gets better regardless of what is happening around you.

Bringing mindfulness and meditation together in daily practice is free.  And the investment of time and energy will pay great dividends.


“…shelter or protection from danger or stress; a place that provides shelter or protection.”  ~Merriam Webster

There are basic forms of refuge.  Being physically free of persecution and bodily harm, being free of emotional abuse in its myriad forms, these are refuges we most often seek.  Yet the least sought after and most powerful  is spiritual refuge.

“The wise man in the storm prays God, not for safety from danger, but for deliverance from fear.  It is the storm within which endangers him, not the storm without.”  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Spiritual refuge is the ultimate refuge.  Seeking safety, protection, comfort and shelter in the Divine Spirit of Love is compelling and effective.  To achieve this serenity demands discipline and faith.

“In a world full of fear, be courageous.  In a world full of lies, be honest.  In a world where few care, be compassionate.  In a world full of phonies, be yourself.  Because the world sees you.  The world hopes for you.  The world is inspired by you.  The world can be better because of you.”  ~Doe Zantamata

“Be your own lamp, seek no other refuge but yourself, Let truth be your light.”  ~Buddha

The world as we know it is changing rapidly and dramatically.  The dark forces are rising.  The light of fairness, justice, compassion, truth and morality grows dimmer each day.  But it will never be extinguished, because there are those who cherish it, secure it and nurture it, in all good faith, knowing that ultimately the Divine Light of Truth and Love will prevail.

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” ~Ps 46:1

As a nation we just celebrated our Independence Day.  I invite you to continue to carry the torch of spiritual refuge.  Be the shining light, the glimmer of hope that refuses to go out.

“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty…my refuge and my fortress…in whom I trust.”  ~Ps 91: 1-2


Resilience wafted through my consciousness in the wee hours of the morning…it is July 4th.

Synonyms for resilience are: flexibility, strength, durability, pliability, sturdy and tough.  Synonyms so apt to surviving the intense and radical shifts humanity is experiencing circa 2020.

According to www.stressresilientmind.co.uk, the 5 skills of resilience are:

  • self-awareness
  • attention-flexibility and stability of focus
  • letting go-physically
  • letting go-mentally
  • accessing and maintaining positive emotion

The Angel Cards Book  (Tyler & Drake, World Tree Press 1981),  has this wonderful quote for the Angel Card of Resilience, “Take what comes in your stride and let your energy rebound.  Build positive momentum, elasticity, and endurance.  Show up with equanimity regardless of what is going on.”

Great counsel for turbulent moments of change.

I invite you this week to nurture your spirit of resilience.


