August 2020

Archive for August, 2020


Stepping Out of Fear

“I will always have fears, but I need not be my fears, for I have other places within myself from which to speak and act.”  ~ Parker J. Palmer

“No feeling takes over our lives more suddenly or more completely than fear.  It seems to come up from nowhere and, in a blink or swallow, can infect everything.”

The above quotes come from Mark Nepo’s  The Book of Awakening August 30 entry page 284.  They succinctly express our relationship with fear.

Our feelings come and go as they please.  The power to control their effect lies squarely in how we choose to react.  I really resonate with Parker Palmer when he says, ‘I have other places within myself from which to speak and act.’

Fear is a powerful, useful emotion.  It alerts us to the threat of harm, to the presence of danger, physical and psychological.

Beyond the personal realm, fear can be used as a weapon of manipulation to gain control of others through religion, government, media, societal norms, and by individuals in inter-dependent relationships.

“Neither a man nor a crowd nor a nation can be trusted to act humanely or to think sanely under the influence of great fear.”  ~Bertrand Russell

The power to choose to entertain or not entertain fear is up to us.  Each of us finding the methods, tools and strategies that work toward overcoming our fears.  Last week’s blog,  Staying Calm and Centered is filled with practices, with actions we can take to master fear.

“He who has overcome his fears will truly be free.”  ~Aristotle


Staying Calm and Centered

So much is outside our personal control right now, from the global pandemic and rampant unemployment, to the widespread raging wildfires, yet again. There is an almost unbearable uncertainty.  It is especially important to harness our inner resources in order to remain centered and not give way to the palpable anxiety that is all around. How?

This first tip comes from an article by Linda Esposito, LCSW, published in the Psychology Today blog, on May 14, 2014.

“Start Deep Breathing.

If you’re not focused on how to calm your body through slow, intentional belly-breathing, you’re missing out. Belly-breathing is free, location independent, and easy to implement. Here’s how to get started:

  • Sit with your eyes closed and turn your attention to your breathing. Breathe naturally, preferably through the nostrils, without attempting to control your breath.
  • Be aware of the sensation of the breath as it enters and leaves the nostrils. Place one hand on your belly, and the other on your chest. Take a deep breath for a count of four. Hold your breath for a count of three. Exhale for a count of four. The hand on your belly should go out as you inhale, and move in as you exhale.
  • Concentrate on your breath and forget everything else. Your mind will be very busy, and you may even feel that the meditation is making your mind busier, but the reality is you’re just becoming more aware of how busy your mind is.
  • Resist the temptation to follow the different thoughts as they arise, and focus on the sensation of the breath. If you discover that your mind has wandered and is following your thoughts, immediately return it to the breath.
  • Repeat this as many times as necessary until your mind settles on the breath. Don’t wait to begin belly-breathing. The sooner you make this a daily habit, the quicker you’ll feel relaxed.

When you implement belly breathing, you start the day in a here-and-now state. Better yet, you’re not wasting time worrying about the future or reliving the past.”

Find the rest of the article here:  “21 Quick Tips to Change Your Anxiety Forever.”

The next tip on staying centered, comes from an article by Bess O’Connor, published in the Spirituality & Health blog, on November 30, 2015.

10 Affirmation for Staying Centered

Staying centered is key in life. When you’re centered, you can avoid getting easily led astray, becoming out of balance, and getting swept up in the whirlwind that is life.

When we are not centered, it causes distress and unnecessary chaos in our life. Being centered is not always as easy as it sounds. It takes a heightened awareness of one’s self. Even asking ourselves open-ended questions, like the below examples, can be a powerful way to consciously affect change:

  • Am I centered right now?
  • Am I breathing fully?
  • How am I feeling right now, and why?
  • Where’s my center?
  • Am I making the best choice for me right now?

When you’re done asking yourself these questions, try these affirmations to harness the power of awareness and stay centered:

  • I am never moved nor shaken by the outside environment.
  • I stay centered, no matter the circumstance.
  • I am calm in the eye of the storm.
  • I am non-reactive.
  • No one can “make” me act out of my character.
  • I breathe in stillness and breathe out peace.
  • I am rooted, grounded and stable.
  • My chakras are aligned.
  • My centeredness creates harmony with everyone around me.
  • I check in with my body to remain centered and balanced. “

Click this link to see more articles by Bess O’Connor.


Blessings to all.

Being Real

“Mana is a term originally used in Polynesian and Melanesian cultures to describe an extraordinary power or force residing in a person or an object, a sort of spiritual electricity that charges anyone who touches it.  Carl Jung later defined the term as ‘the unconscious influence of one being on another.’ What Jung speaks to is the fact that the energy of being real has more power than outright persuasion, debate, or force of will.  He suggests that being who we are always releases an extraordinary power that, without intent or design, affects the people who come in contact with such realness.

The beautiful and simple truth of this can be seen in looking at the sun.  The sun, without intent or will or plan or sense of principle, just shines, thoroughly and constantly.  By being itself, the sun warms with its light, never withholding or warming only certain things of the Earth.  Rather, the sun emanates in all directions all the time, and things grow.  In the same way, when we are authentic, expressing our warmth and light in all directions, we cause things around us to grow.  When our souls like little suns express the light of who we are, we emanate what Jesus called love and what Buddha called compassion, and the roots of community lengthen.

In this way, without any intent to shape others, we simply have to be authentic, and a sense of mana, of spiritual light and warmth, will emanate from our very souls, causing others to grow—not toward us, but toward the light that moves through us.  In this way, by being who we are, we not only experience life in all its vitality, but, quite innocently and without design, we help others be more thoroughly themselves.  In being real, in staying devoted to this energy of realness, we help each other grow toward the one vital light.”

~Mark Nepo, The Book of Awakening, pg. 106


Social Distancing

We are all acutely aware of the controversy surrounding wearing a mask and practicing social distancing.  I believe social distancing is not an accurate term.

What we are, in fact, doing is physical distancing.  This behavior should be labeled as such.

The connotation that comes with social distancing implies a greater scope of relating to each other.  Socializing by definition is the act or practice of participating in social activities…mingling with others; inherent most social activity is physical closeness…movies, sports events, parades, fairs, family gatherings, weddings, funerals, etc.

Eye contact, smiles, hugs, and intimate conversations are all part of socializing.  But physical distancing limits or prohibits many of these activities.  However, it is critically important that we don’t forego social contact, creating isolation, anxiety and depression.  A smile can be seen in the eyes even when a mask covers most of the face.  Cards, letters, e-mails, texting, face time, zoom and connecting with friends and loved ones by phone are also part of social contact.

I invite you to practice physical distancing, but stay connected to others.


Quotes to Ponder

These are such stressful times.  I chose three short quotes upon which we can meditate.

“Every moment and every event of every man’s life on earth plants something in his soul.”  ~Thomas Merton

“Never give up.  Never give in.  Never become hostile… Hate is too big a burden to bear.”  ~John Lewis

“Keep your face always toward the sunshine – and shadows will fall behind you.”     ~Walt Whitman

Take good care!



