December 2020

Archive for December 27th, 2020

New Year 2021

I have always thought it strange that we end and begin a ‘new year’ in the middle of the winter season.  Yet, there is an aspect that seems to fit for me regarding the reflecting, planning and goal-setting for the coming year.  The winter season is a perfect time to go within; to assess the past year and all it’s glories and defeats; and, to create a plan for the coming year.

For the first time in a really long while I am feeling  excitedly optimistic about the coming year.   I have been mulling over ideas  for the past three weeks.  I am now ready to commit  my goals to paper.

There is no doubt that part of my optimism comes from the acknowledgement of how amazingly blessed I am.

I have a good roof over my head; I can turn on a faucet and not only get potable water, but hot potable water, and,  I can shower in this luxury in the midst of cold, dark and murky weather; I have reliable transportation; good, healthy food in my belly;  amazing services (phone, utilities, mail).  I have the love of friends and family; I am free to come and go as I please; and  I can worship the God of my choice without fear of being nailed to a cross or burned at a stake.

I invite each and every one of you to take a year-end inventory.  Give ‘thanks’ where thanks is due.  Open your mind and your heart to the possibilities awaiting you, like dormant seeds patiently preparing to sprout.

What crop are you going to plant this year?  What seeds are you going to sow?  Plan now!

Your future is in your hands!

