March 2021

Archive for March 14th, 2021

Mastery Part 2

I am experiencing a strong desire to rise above the current divisive and disruptive national dialogue.

To satisfy this burning desire demands that I engage mastering my emotional responses.

The two essential keys to achieving mastery of emotional and psychic sensitivities are a strong, active belief system, and control of the inner dialogue; especially the thought-words that foment hopelessness, helplessness, and anger that turned inward manifests as depression and dis-ease.

Mastery is a process, not an event.  As a process it requires us to be diligent; to consistently monitor our inner dialogue and to set strong boundaries that prevent negative, disruptive and destructive word-thoughts from robbing us of joyful living.

“Self-control is in strength. Calmness is mastery.  You have to get to a point where your mood doesn’t shift based on the insignificant actions of someone else.  Don’t allow others to control your life.  Don’t allow your emotions to overpower your intelligence”  ~Morgan Freeman

There is more here…true mastery is achieved when the actions of others that are not insignificant in the way they may affect you, are rendered impotent.  You are able to employ these principles and not allow the negative inner dialogue to overwhelm you, to drown you in a sea of unworthiness, anger and despair.

Mastery is achieved through the process of managing the inner dialogue.  Engaging in a dedicated practice of changing guilt, shame and pressure words into empowering choice words opens the door to greater creativity and a fuller enjoyment of daily living.

For example,  I ‘have to’ get this report done!  Look at the angst this creates, ‘have to’, ‘got to’ messages are not going to make the task easy.  Yet, changing the words to ‘I choose to’, ‘I want to’ to complete this report, is empowering.  You are in charge.  You are in control. You ‘want’ to get it done, you ‘choose’ to finish it now.  This is choosing to be free from pressure, from procrastination, from destructive self-images and imperious self-judgements.

“You cannot control what happens to you but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you.  In that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.”  ~Brian Tracy

I believe that this is some of the hardest work we can ever do on the journey to our authentic selves.

Negative words are built into our developing psyche.  The ‘cant’s’, ‘have to’, ‘got to’, ‘need to’, ‘should’, ‘should’ve’,  ‘must dos’, and ‘dont’s’, will take a great deal of commitment and diligence to change to into choice words, ‘I choose’, ‘I want’, ‘I can’.  These are the words that support, encourage and empower; when they become dominant in our inner dialogue, they lead to mastery.

Achieving this mastery leads to greater self-esteem, confidence, and, most importantly vibrant health and robust inner peace.


