There are a variety of definitions for float. The one I am focusing on is “…to move gently through or over….” I chose this word today because I want to re-frame my feeling, my attitude from ‘trudging’ to something lighter. ‘Trudge’ was the word I was entertaining posting in the Word of the Week. However the energy of a laborious but steady march through my chores, appointments and other obligations is not how I want to feel.
Because visualization is not a strong point for me, I need to find other ways of bringing the energy of re-framing to fruit. I have always loved to swim; love to be in the water, and I have always been able to float really well. So, when I feel the ‘trudging’ energy flowing through my consciousness, I imagine myself floating in my favorite lake. I am totally supported by the warm water. As my ears are underwater, my mind is silent. I am lifted above trudging and I am able to float through the weekly demands.
Are you ‘trudging’ or ‘floating’ this week?