As I contemplate what I will plant in the garden this spring, I am thinking about seeds, specifically Hericot Verts (delicious little green beans). Seed as a noun basically means, capable of reproducing. The majestic awe of seeds is: we can plant them, nourish them, tend them, harvest them (and their product), and save them for next season; but the real sprouting, the creation of life, is beyond our province.
As I thought more about heirloom seeds, I just happened across the work of Dr. Vandana Shiva and her fight against Monsanto and the GMO movement. Her message is powerful and compelling! It gave me a deeper insight into the debate on bio-diversity and it’s importance to our very survival.
This information coupled with recently reading an article in Spirituality & Health magazine profiling the astounding changes genetic engineering has made in wheat has me looking seriously at this issue. In his book, Wheat Belly , William Davis M. D. outlines his concerns about the rise of gluten intolerance, glycemic rebounding, weight problems and the effects on overall health from modified wheat.
So, I have resolved to plant heirlooms and save seeds for planting next year (which in some parts of the world is a crime). I have done it before, but I have been lazy about my vegetable gardening and now it is time to return to sustainable practices.
Entering Spring, it is my hope that I have given you some seeds for thought.